Tuesday, March 24, 2009

what have we been up to?

Well, our washer went out on Friday, and our dryer was on it's way out so we have piles and mounds of clothes to wash and yes, you are looking at our brand new, newly installed 2 hours ago, washer and dryer that we hope will last longer than our last set of 10 years! So can you guess what I will be catching up on in the next couple of day?


~Jamie said...

Them there machines is prutty fancy! We're still in the dark ages warshing our skives in the creek on them yonder smooth rocks! Yer brother don't smell non too good neither, I do declare!

holmesfamily8 said...

Having the washer and dryer out is the worst! Chris had to fix our "new" used washer when we first moved in here. Luckily it was an easy fix. Those are nice!

Andi said...

Congratulations! I LOOOOVE new appliances - even just a toaster or blender or something. Gadgets make me happy, so I would be in housewife heaven with those 2 beauties! Love your new background, by the way. You have to teach me how to make a cute header. :)