Sunday, March 8, 2009

85 and Kickin'

Saturday was Jer's Grandma Stella's 85th birthday! We celebrated at the Idaho Falls Senior Citizen Center with visiting, kids running around and playing, and cake and ice cream. She is doing great and spends a lot of time at the senior center teaching crafts and playing bingo. She also likes to collect collector coins for her great grandchildren. She seems exactly the same as when I met her over 13 years ago!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for Grandma Stella, there's something to be said to be doing so great at 85!

Love the last picture of Lexie, I can't wait to see her (and all of the kids) little personality this summer in Yellowstone.

~Jamie said...

You rock it OUT grandma. Happy B-day. I hope I'm that lively at 85!

Monica said...

Sounds like a fun time!