The other day a friend and I were talking about how our husbands have great "raw" material. In other words, they are just by nature good people. I have pondered much on this and here is what I came up with, but first some disclaimers:
Disclaimer #1: Jeremy denies that he possesses any of these gifts/qualities. However, I have proof--I've been married to him for almost 12 years!
Disclaimer #2: These are not ALL of his good qualities for he has MANY! These are just unique gifts he came with and that I am in awe of (maybe downright jealous).
1. patient
2. kind
3. loves to do fun things even if it means work
4. excellent story teller
5. excellent teacher
6. muscular, strong, and fit
7. great teeth
8. gifted drawer (is that a word?)
9. can fix anything
10. can make something out of nothing
11. can play the piano by ear
12. great dancer
13. good singer
14. athletic--can play all sports and do well
15. not a jealous bone in his body
16. beautiful way with words evidenced in his poetry and stories either written or told
17. great gift giver
18. great with children--knows how to relate to, teach, talk to, and play with kids
19. love of the outdoors
20. great shot (he is on the pistol team at work)
21. better than perfect vision at 20/15 (uncorrected)
5 years ago
He is soooo great and amazing we are both so blessed to have such wonderful husbands. Although you stole my post idea. I've been thinking for the last 3 or 4 days about making a wonderful husband post, but you beat me to it. That's okay I'll still do mine.
I love your blog, did I already say that?
What a great tribute to a great man. It's lucky girls we are to have such great men in our lives, huh?
So you and Jackie are all fancy with your super hubby posts! Now that forces me to get creative about your brother. Dang you Jer why do you have to be so awesome?
Chris and I couldn't believe some of those...poetry? Playing the piano Jer, you are going to have to share some of your talents more often!
Hi Jolene. Jeremy has many talents it sounds like he is willing to share. Matt does too and I love that he can do the things I can't. That's what makes marraige so great I think. We're all such lucky ladies.
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