Saturday, January 24, 2009

All Before Noon

Today I feel so accomplished:
1. changed a couple messy diapers
2. folded/put away 3 loads of laundry
3. cleaned 2 bathrooms
4. cleaned living room
5. cleaned kitchen
6. made, served, and cleaned up breakfast and lunch
7. led my children in completing their chores (sometimes this can take all day!)
8. clipped Lexie's finger and toe nails.
9. cleaned Lexie's room

I know these are the mundane tasks of my life but I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment in achieving all of this before noon!


Anonymous said...

Wow you are amazing! I love days like that when you can be super productive! I'm not having one of those days, I'm jealous! Hope you get to enjoy the rest of your day doing fun stuff! Love ya sis!

Andi said...

Whew, I'm tired just from reading about what you did before noon! I'm most impressed with the nail clipping - my kids hate that!

~Jamie said...
