Tuesday, December 2, 2008


"The Young Guns"--our live country western entertainment. Very talented young men!

We went to Mountain River Ranch. It was so fun! We took a horse-drawn wagon ride (usually a sleigh ride but no snow yet) where we could see Christmas lights throughout the ranch. After the ride, they took us to the lodge where dinner and live entertainment were enjoyed by all.
Jeremy's parents: Rick and Tonia

Jeremy's older sister Jennifer and her hubby Kameron

Jer and Jo

Jeremy's brother Bryan and his wife Hilary and baby Kyleigh

Jeremy's brother Spencer and his wife Corinne and baby Ethan came too


~Jamie said...

Looks like a good time was had by all partner!! And don't be disappointed by the lack of snow or you'll regret it later!!

4sweetboys1princess said...

wow, Spencer looks just like Jeremy.
I sent you an email but I don't know if it is the right address. Please email me your snail mail address!! (gardnershara@hotmail.com)